Manton Rempville – Chapter 3

Knowles placed the statements in a folder and asked Barnes to initiate the investigation of Edward Pritchard’s bank accounts to see whether there were sudden influxes of cash. While Barnes was on the phone, Knowles phoned WPC Smythe to find out what she had found out from Wilkinson’s wife. “Hello, Linda, did you speak toContinue reading “Manton Rempville – Chapter 3”

Manton Rempville – Chapter 2

Barnes drove his Morgan down the carefully manicured driveway of Manton Rempville Hall, while Knowles stared at the yew hedges, which had been sheared into interesting shapes that he couldn’t quite recognise. After they’d parked, Knowles walked over to one of the hedges and pointed. “What do you think they’re supposed to be, Barnesy, theseContinue reading “Manton Rempville – Chapter 2”

Goat Parva Murders – Chapter 5

Carol Herald was in position early for her morning thrills; this morning it was going to be Lord Avon and his stable lad cavorting in the ferns in Hen’s Wood. Lord Avon would sit astride the youth and then whip him quite savagely as he bucked and pranced in imitation of a bull – itContinue reading “Goat Parva Murders – Chapter 5”

Goat Parva Murders – Chapter 1

The stalker trained his binoculars on the ground floor lounge window where Danica Baker-Clements could be seen in her underwear watching TV. Danica’s blonde hair tumbled over artificially brown shoulders and the rhododendron branches twitched as the binoculars moved slowly over her complete loveliness. An owl screeched in the trees behind the stalker – theContinue reading “Goat Parva Murders – Chapter 1”