How the Yeti was named and other stories.

I have written eleven stories including the obituary of a former flying ace who died along with his guide dog as they free-climbed Mount Robson. There’s a rejection letter to William Shakespeare for his play “Hamlet” and an explanation for the building of Silbury Hill in England. I also researched, from ancient texts, the storyContinue reading “How the Yeti was named and other stories.”

How the Yeti was named and other funny stories.

I have written eleven stories including the obituary of a former flying ace who died along with his guide dog as they free-climbed Mount Robson. There’s a rejection letter to William Shakespeare for his play “Hamlet” and an explanation for the building of Silbury Hill in England. I also researched, from ancient texts, the storyContinue reading “How the Yeti was named and other funny stories.”

How the Yeti was named and other funny stories.

I have written eleven stories including the obituary of a former flying ace who died along with his guide dog as they free-climbed Mount Robson. There’s a rejection letter to William Shakespeare for his play “Hamlet” and an explanation for the building of Silbury Hill in England. I also researched, from ancient texts, the storyContinue reading “How the Yeti was named and other funny stories.”

How the Yeti was named and other funny stories.

I have written eleven funny stories including the obituary of a former flying ace who died along with his guide dog as they free-climbed Mount Robson. There’s a rejection letter to William Shakespeare for his play “Hamlet” and an explanation for the building of Silbury Hill in England. I also researched, from ancient texts, theContinue reading “How the Yeti was named and other funny stories.”

How was the Yeti named and other funny stories.

I have written eleven funny stories including the obituary of a former flying ace who died along with his guide dog as they free-climbed Mount Robson. There’s a rejection letter to William Shakespeare for his play “Hamlet” and an explanation for the building of Silbury Hill in England. I also researched, from gnostic texts, the storyContinue reading “How was the Yeti named and other funny stories.”

How was the Yeti named and other funny stories.

I have written eleven funny stories including the obituary of a former flying ace who died along with his guide dog as they free-climbed Mount Robson. There’s a rejection letter to William Shakespeare for his play “Hamlet” and an explanation for the building of Silbury Hill in England. I also researched, from gnostic texts, the storyContinue reading “How was the Yeti named and other funny stories.”

How was the Yeti named and other funny stories.

I have written eleven funny stories including the obituary of a former flying ace who died along with his guide dog as they free-climbed Mount Robson. There’s a rejection letter to William Shakespeare for his play “Hamlet” and an explanation for the building of Silbury Hill in England. I also researched, from gnostic texts, the storyContinue reading “How was the Yeti named and other funny stories.”

How was the Yeti named and other funny stories.

I have written eleven funny stories including the obituary of a former flying ace who died along with his guide dog as they free-climbed Mount Robson. There’s a rejection letter to William Shakespeare for his play “Hamlet” and an explanation for the building of Silbury Hill in England. I also researched, from gnostic texts, the storyContinue reading “How was the Yeti named and other funny stories.”

Delos – 5

The final piece about the Greek Island of Delos, at the centre of The Cyclades. Following the Brown Path on the map the visitor heads across the Hippodrome and past the Archegesion or Sanctuary of Anios, mythical archegetes and king of Delos. This building dates from the 6th Century BCE, but was remodelled during theContinue reading “Delos – 5”

Delos – 4

The fourth of five pieces about the Greek Island of Delos, at the centre of The Cyclades. The path continues past the Temple of Leto and the enormous Agora of the Italians before coming to the most famous part of the site, the Naxian Lions. Sadly, none of the lions on their plinths are originalsContinue reading “Delos – 4”