Manton Rempville – Chapter 3

Knowles placed the statements in a folder and asked Barnes to initiate the investigation of Edward Pritchard’s bank accounts to see whether there were sudden influxes of cash. While Barnes was on the phone, Knowles phoned WPC Smythe to find out what she had found out from Wilkinson’s wife. “Hello, Linda, did you speak toContinue reading “Manton Rempville – Chapter 3”

Manton Rempville – Chapter 2

Barnes drove his Morgan down the carefully manicured driveway of Manton Rempville Hall, while Knowles stared at the yew hedges, which had been sheared into interesting shapes that he couldn’t quite recognise. After they’d parked, Knowles walked over to one of the hedges and pointed. “What do you think they’re supposed to be, Barnesy, theseContinue reading “Manton Rempville – Chapter 2”

Manton Rempville – Chapter 1

Detective Sergeant Rod Barnes surveyed the remains of Manton Rempville monastery with a certain amount of incredulity. He’d heard that 100,000 pounds had been spent on preserving the ruins and he couldn’t understand why anyone would do such a thing. Ruins were ruins for a reason and that reason was because the natural order ofContinue reading “Manton Rempville – Chapter 1”

The Black Hill Hotel

Knowles headed out into the swirling snow. The wind was blowing quite hard as he walked towards the car park. He thought he heard a noise, like a door closing, behind him, but when he looked around there was no one to be seen. He reached the Landrover and inspected it closely; nothing had beenContinue reading “The Black Hill Hotel”