Our Cats in Amsterdam – 4

“Well, that’s true, as usual you are right Freddie,” replies Reg, “so go ahead Arabella and Aubrey, let Freddie know what your suggestion is.”

“Thank you,” said one of the crows I don’t know, “I’m Arabella and this is Aubrey, although he prefers to be called Aub, don’t you Aub?”

“Either Aubrey or Aub is fine, Freddie,” says Aub, “it doesn’t matter, I know you will know me from the colour palette of my feathers, as you’re an expert by all accounts.”

I blush under my fur and stare at the walls of the house for about 10 seconds before I regain my composure and look at Aubrey.

“Well, thank you for your kind comments, Aubrey, what is your suggestion? My human parents are going away on holiday in two days according to their calendar, so I think you should be aware of that.”

“Well, Freddie,” says Arabella, “actually we know that and that’s why we’re here really.”     

The crows who knew me bob up and down on the surface of the grass as they shift uncomfortably on their hidden feet.

“You know that, have you seen their calendar as well?” I ask.

“Not in the same way as you have,” says Aubrey, “the thing is, Freddie old sport, we need you and are taking the first opportunity we can to use your skills.”

“Have you read The Great Gatsby?” I ask.

“I have yes, why, why do you ask?”

“You use the phrase, old sport, and Jay Gatsby uses the expression in that book.”

All the crows nod their heads in appreciation of my knowledge.

“You show your attention to detail right there,” said Aubrey, extemporising in an effective way, “and that’s why we need your help, because we have a knotty problem that needs solving. It’s on the continent, in Holland actually, and it will mean going over there for two weeks.”

“But John and Mary have arranged for a cat carer to come and sit with us,” I say, “and she would surely notice if we weren’t there.”

“Well, Freddie,” says Arabella, “the cat carer works for us and will look after Gemma while you’re away. She will bring a stuffed toy that looks like you and move you around each day, so that it looks like you’re there when you aren’t there.”

“A stuffed toy?” I giggle uncontrollably, “well it will be cheap to keep I suppose, but there’s one thing you should know. I want Gemma to come too as we’re a team, we work together.”

“Well, that’s something we hadn’t bargained for,” says Aubrey, “I suppose we can accommodate your wishes, Freddie.”

“You’d have to buy another stuffed toy,” says Sid, “to replace Gemma.”

“I think the budget can run to that,” says Arabella, “we’d still have the cat sitter come into the home and move both toys around.”

“We’d fly up to the windows and converse with the toys,” says Rob, “I think that would create a suitable impression or mirage for anyone who was watching.”

“Will someone be watching the house?” I ask, “when Gemma and I aren’t inside?”

“We don’t anticipate that happening,” says Arabella, “other than us of course or our friends, the people who are on our side.”

Published by Julian Worker

Julian Worker writes travel books, murder / mysteries, and tales of imagination. His sense of humour is distilled from Monty Python, Blackadder, and The Thick of It. His latest book is about a dragon that becomes a lawyer in a parallel universe and helps fairytale characters right the wrongs they've suffered in their lives.

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