Our Cats in Amsterdam – 7

“Will you remove the dye after the mission is completed?” I ask, “just so my humans will recognise me when I come back? I wouldn’t want them to think the cat sitter had been cruel to me whilst they were away. They’d never forgive themselves. If you could make it a light ginger colour, similar to saffron, that would be excellent, so I can be a similar colour to the robes Buddhist monks wear or most of them anyway.”

“We will remove the dye from your fur, Freddie,” says Aubrey, “and I think your parents will find some gifts for them and you will be left by the sitter, by way of thanks, and there will be no charge for the service.”

“That will please them,” says Gemma, “they’re always saying they’re short of cash and yet they’re able to afford holidays.”

“We should be grateful, Gemma,” I reply, “if they weren’t going away, we wouldn’t be going to Holland.”

“Yes, you’re right,” says Gemma, “besides they’re not short of money really, I’ve seen their bank accounts.”

“How did you find that out?” asks Aubrey.

“Well, when they’re logging in I simply watch and memorise their password, they don’t realise I can type quite well,” replies Gemma trying to look modest and failing. The wind was beginning to blow her fur and so I shifted position slightly to shield her.

“Oh, really,” says Aubrey looking at Arabella, “I will pass that on to the bosses, as that could be very useful to us, to know password information for any of the people we ask you to follow. The more information the better.”

“I can type with both paws at the same time,” continues Gemma, “I’ve been practising recently, to try and improve.”

“That’s good,” replies Arabella, “we will pass that information on to Henk who will be your crow contact over there. It sounds like we might be able to access their websites and bank accounts if there’s windows available we can see through and open.”

“Will you need a computer, Gemma, in the place where you’re staying?” asks Aubrey.

“Yes, that would be nice,” replies Gemma, “and then I can write down their information, usernames, passwords, answers to security questions, that sort of thing.” 

“Right, we’ll have to mask the computer information, the ip addresses, so people can’t trace you.”

Published by Julian Worker

Julian Worker writes travel books, murder / mysteries, and tales of imagination. His sense of humour is distilled from Monty Python, Blackadder, and The Thick of It. His latest book is about a dragon that becomes a lawyer in a parallel universe and helps fairytale characters right the wrongs they've suffered in their lives.

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